Now, I'd heard things about Czech men that swayed me to believe that they weren't the best lot to pick from. But alas, the rumors are false. He is well-poised, polite, and very put together. I'm not yet sure where we are going, what we are doing, what time he's picking me up or what his name is but I do know that when I asked... he didn't say no! Which by default means yes... right? Well regardless, he is incredibly handsome and I have included a great photo of the two of us below. Here is my chance at love!

In other news, today it was a solid 70 degrees (don't ask me what it is in Celsius... I'm ignorant) so we decided to walk to class. Now although I've done this walk several times, the love in the air and the sun on my face inspired me to document my everyday stroll in photos to share with you (official and anon. "followers").
We begin... down the hill, coming to an outlet with an absolutely ridiculous view of the city.
Coming up to the entrance of the Prague Castle, which we walk through to get to school.
And then to the courtyard to the equivalent of the Czech White House
Where any supremely important speeches are made....
Like this one... which unfortunately, I was not at....
(Eek! Copyright infringement!)
Just another scenic turnout during the walk.
Wait... what? How'd that get in there??
Uhh.... moving on...
Past the vineyard, down the hill to Malostranska...
And just across the bridge, we arrive at school!!
Here's the view looking back out from the classroom....
And there we have it! Maria's own Tour Of Prague. Hope you enjoyed it. Now I am going to start getting ready for my date. Wish me luck!
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