Sorry sorry... I can't help it. What a crazy weekend. And crazy in the sensory overload kind of way as opposed to the get lost, meet some Gypsies and ride a camel to a club kind of way. But that would have been cool. I was impressed with Budapest to the point of being obsessed even though at times I got stressed but one could have guessed. It's late. I don't know why I'm blogging. Here are some pictures of the trip.
Table of Contents
Picture #1,2: We Arrive at the (Suspiciously Nice) Hostel
Picture #3: Maria Misses the Bouquet
Picture #4: Maria Buys a Souvenir

Picture #5: Maria Attends a Crazy Accordion, Violin, Scratching, Bongo Balkan Rock Band Concert
Picture #6: Maria Nearly Falls Into the Danube While In a Laughing Fit

Picture #7: Maria Takes a Moment to Breakdance.

Picture #8: Maria Stands in Line For Free Big Macs/Jumbotron Opera
Picture # 9: Maria Thinks the Hungarian Market is a Super Nice Sam's Club
(Clearly Slovakia... PS...Why did we go to Slovakia?)
I love pandas.

(Disclaimer: While Maria does in fact love pandas, pandas are in no way affiliated with her travels in Europe. No pandas were harmed in the posting of this blog entry.)
And to finish it off... the obligatory Budapest shot:
And there you have it! Budapest in a nutshell. Complete with break-dancing, world traveling, and a picture of a panda clan. It was an amazing weekend although it was a cool thing to feel excited to get back HOME to Prague! This city has no contest. Classes started today, watched The Unbearable Lightness of Being in my Eroticism, Power and Fate in Central European Cinema. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Also had my first Contemporary Central European Politics class. Tomorrow: Eroticism, MittleEuropa, and Urban Semiotics. 1:30-9. Shit! Wish me luck. I may not make it through the day... but good thing I don't have bed bugs like Overlook Manor. Suckas (cut to me getting bed bugs for saying that).
Fall has arrived! Break out the Mother Russia fur hats.
(Note to self: buy a Mother Russia fur hat.)
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