Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Budapest Obsessed

Hello hello... hope everyone is well. Good weekend? Go see a movie? Maybe... go to a party? Read a book? Kick it in a natural Hungarian hot spring? ZIIIINGGGGG!!!

Sorry sorry... I can't help it. What a crazy weekend. And crazy in the sensory overload kind of way as opposed to the get lost, meet some Gypsies and ride a camel to a club kind of way. But that would have been cool. I was impressed with Budapest to the point of being obsessed even though at times I got stressed but one could have guessed. It's late. I don't know why I'm blogging. Here are some pictures of the trip.

Table of Contents

Picture #1,2: We Arrive at the (Suspiciously Nice) Hostel

Picture #3: Maria Misses the Bouquet

Picture #4: Maria Buys a Souvenir

Picture #5: Maria Attends a Crazy Accordion, Violin, Scratching, Bongo Balkan Rock Band Concert

Picture #6: Maria Nearly Falls Into the Danube While In a Laughing Fit

Picture #7: Maria Takes a Moment to Breakdance.

Picture #8: Maria Stands in Line For Free Big Macs/Jumbotron Opera

Picture # 9: Maria Thinks the Hungarian Market is a Super Nice Sam's Club




(Clearly Slovakia... PS...Why did we go to Slovakia?)

I love pandas.

(Disclaimer: While Maria does in fact love pandas, pandas are in no way affiliated with her travels in Europe. No pandas were harmed in the posting of this blog entry.)

And to finish it off... the obligatory Budapest shot:

And there you have it! Budapest in a nutshell. Complete with break-dancing, world traveling, and a picture of a panda clan. It was an amazing weekend although it was a cool thing to feel excited to get back HOME to Prague! This city has no contest. Classes started today, watched The Unbearable Lightness of Being in my Eroticism, Power and Fate in Central European Cinema. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Also had my first Contemporary Central European Politics class. Tomorrow: Eroticism, MittleEuropa, and Urban Semiotics. 1:30-9. Shit! Wish me luck. I may not make it through the day... but good thing I don't have bed bugs like Overlook Manor. Suckas (cut to me getting bed bugs for saying that).

Fall has arrived! Break out the Mother Russia fur hats.
(Note to self: buy a Mother Russia fur hat.)


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Impromptu Czech Lesson

While I should be studying for my Czech intensive final exam tomorrow, I think I will instead... do nothing. Although let me share a direct quote from my Czech professor: "Test not hard. But- if you do bad, I kill you all." Maybe I should study...

but I'm sure I'll study later. I'll even exercise my Czech skills while blogging since I have learned some very useful phrases! Let me teach you some Czech basics so that the next time you find yourself at a smoky little underground pub eating smazény syr (fried cheese) and sipping a Pilsner Urquell, you can fit in with the best of them.

Rule #1: NO SMILING/Showing Emotions!

This is a very important rule to blending in with the locals since there is nothing worse than being positively identified as an American (God Bless America). For example, here is a few of us having the time of our lives at a typical Prague pub:

DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT ever let on that you are.... FROM THE USA! (Land of the free, home of the brave) by showing any emotions. Or else.

Rule #2: Do Not Wear Deodorant/Wash Clothes/Use Perfume

While this rule may seem strange, it is all the craze in Europe. And I understand why! I love being able to tell someone's coming from a mile away. They could be the sneakiest sneaky sleuth in the world and I'd know their whereabouts at all times. I guess this is good in trying to avoid getting pick-pocketed- "Hey... what's that... ew... Jesus... OH HEY GET OUT OF THERE YOU SNEAKY SLEUTH!". Also imagine the loads of money they save on antiperspirant, laundry detergent, and Chanel No. 5 (and dignity, psh).

Rule #3: No Talking Above Voices You'd Use to Speak to a Baby Hamster

Whether in a tram, train, or toilette, keep the voices to a minimum! Don't perpetuate the awful stereotype that Americans are loud and ignorant (while both are in fact tragically true... proud to be an American). In fact, I'd advise learning sign language before coming over here in an effort to cut back on vocal communication. Or just do yourself a favor and don't speak at all. That's what I'm doing!

Rule #4: Try to Utilize Czech Phrases Whenever Possible

Let me tell you what, while it stinks being stuck in a classroom for 5 hours a day 5 days a week, it sure does pay off. Allow me to drop some tokens of knowledge acquired in the past few days.

Czech Phrase: Jsme v prdeli!
Translation: We're up the ass.
Shit, we're screwed. Better ring Zuzanna.

Czech Phrase: Mám se pod psa!
Translation: I have myself (my being) below the dog's (being).
Interpretation: I really messed up and feel pretty down. Better ring Zuzanna.

Czech Phrase: Strč prst skrz krk!
Translation: Put your finger through your throat!
Interpretation: All this smazény syr is really making me consider bulimia. Better ring Zuzanna.

Czech Phrase: Strč srp skrz krb.
Translation: Put a sickle through a fireplace.
Interpretation: ???

Rule #5:
Eat as Much Ice Cream as Physically Possible

I don't really need to explain this one.

Rule #6: Don't Worry, Be Happy

Sometimes I miss people and home and tap water and hygiene practices and smiles and free public restrooms and 120V outlets and solid pavement... but then I think about it.

I live in Prague.




Monday, September 21, 2009

Love At Last!!!!!!!

Tonight I have a date. Yes folks, a date.

Now, I'd heard things about Czech men that swayed me to believe that they weren't the best lot to pick from. But alas, the rumors are false. He is well-poised, polite, and very put together. I'm not yet sure where we are going, what we are doing, what time he's picking me up or what his name is but I do know that when I asked... he didn't say no! Which by default means yes... right? Well regardless, he is incredibly handsome and I have included a great photo of the two of us below. Here is my chance at love!

In other news, today it was a solid 70 degrees (don't ask me what it is in Celsius... I'm ignorant) so we decided to walk to class. Now although I've done this walk several times, the love in the air and the sun on my face inspired me to document my everyday stroll in photos to share with you (official and anon. "followers").

We begin... down the hill, coming to an outlet with an absolutely ridiculous view of the city.

Coming up to the entrance of the Prague Castle, which we walk through to get to school.

And then to the courtyard to the equivalent of the Czech White House

Where any supremely important speeches are made....

Like this one... which unfortunately, I was not at....
(Eek! Copyright infringement!)

Just another scenic turnout during the walk.


Wait... what? How'd that get in there??

Uhh.... moving on...

Past the vineyard, down the hill to Malostranska...

And just across the bridge, we arrive at school!!

Here's the view looking back out from the classroom....

And there we have it! Maria's own Tour Of Prague. Hope you enjoyed it. Now I am going to start getting ready for my date. Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Pack Your Bags Because....

It's official... the honeymoon is over. Hahahaha...... constellation prize:

Oh, how I have missed thee so.

One week of Czech intensive done- the last week starts tomorrow. Booked tickets to Budapest for this weekend and Krakow in Octobter. Here's the thing- I will be on a guided tour of Auschwitz on... Halloween weekend. I.e, while my fellow American peers are using this Pagan holiday as an excuse to wear scant lingerie in public at massive keggers, I will be touring the most notorious Jewish extermination camp in the history of the world.


But I suppose it should be pretty amazing regardless. Went to see Goran Bregovic in Old Town Square a few nights ago- the guy who did the soundtrack for Borat, categorized as "gypsy music". AMAZING! Checked out a Vino festival yesterday complete with "young wine" which ferments in your stomach and a dude on stilts. Can't complain. Well, I guess that I can complain about the fact that I have neglected to do laundry since the day I arrived. But I suppose this is one upside to the standard of hygiene I've experienced. Heck, I'll just pass as a local even more so.

No word from the President yet. He's probably too busy bathing....


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Was going to write a huge blog tonight but conned into clubbing instead... at Mecca. Am I thrown into the sacrelige boat if I go to this club?

Note to self: Do not forget to write memo to Czech President, consisting of only a few words. Is as follows:

Dear Mr. President and people of the Czech Republic,

Thank you for your time.

Maria Thomas
Concerned Foreigner

Friday, September 11, 2009

Google Česká republika

I love how the country takes over my search engines and replaces my familiar buttons with things like "Stránky pouze česky". I am now at a loss as I try to navigate the world wide web. Updates: not much. Again, the ice cream is great. Here is a visual < --- . However, I was sad to see that ice cream is strictly forbidden in the metro (visual below). Went to The Pub again last night, here is a visual ^, always a good time. Until you realize that stilettos and cobblestones are kind of each other's perfect fit and it begins to rain as soon as you step outside. Oh well!

I had my first Prague club experience which was a first good impression. No cover, not a second glance that I was in slippers, and 20 Ck Pivo. What else could you ask for??

Tonight, Saint Nick's for pizza. Also: I have discovered the best hidden secret of Europe....



Time for dinner.... I need to stop eating out.... Ciao!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pilsen, Telc


Let's see... things are still well. I have learned a couple of good tips: don't eat at Subway unless you are willing to shell out $12 for a footlong, don't cheers with a Czech unless you look at them directly in the eye while doing so, when coke is $9 and a half liter of beer is $3, go with the beer, and lastly, Czechs know how to do soft serve (but not chocolate bars).

Toured the Pilsner Urquell brewery yesterday which was pretty amazing. Enjoyed a glass straight out of a tapped wooden barrel in the cellar and learned all about the brewing process. Today, took a trip to Telc which was pretty beautiful. Now after being run ragged for the last 72 hours, we finally have a few days off to enjoy the city on our own before we start our intensive Czech course on Monday. Some things I need to do within the next few days: make a budget before I spend all my moola on delicious dinners out and cute scarves, buy a voltage adapter so I can use my straightener instead of borrowing Ali's and then leaving it on for 8 hours... woops... and buy my student tram ticket!! I am hearing about the phases of studying abroad and apparently I am currently in the "honeymoon stage" where everything is happy and exciting. I foresee that wearing off shortly when I realize I have a full schedule, limited budget, and many people at home that I miss a bunch. Good thing it is so beautiful here... I don't know how I could not like it. In any case, going out tonight for the arrival of Ali's Adam and who knows from there. Pictures up later.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A First Glimpse!

First official full day in Praha- the only way to describe: wow. Also, I'm back on the grid! For all you international calling planners- +00-420-775-42-8920. Or text me. Shouldn't I be immersing myself? Oh well... here are a few shots from day one. SO MANY MORE to come!

My view- five minute walk from Kolej.

Our dorm building.....



Some G's

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Made it through Amsterdam, enjoyed complimentary Heineken on the flight next to a talkative man from Denmark. Sitting in the dorm with the new room mate, Rachel, just walked to the grocery store. Prague. Is. Adorable. Bought some celebratory Pilsners- I have good feelings about the next few months. More later. Now, Vesela Krava (Laughing Cow) and French bread.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Note to self: should have called it "The Prague Blog".


And so it begins....

Work is done- which means that the adventure has officially begun. Writing some cards, making some calls, and drinking some bon voyage beers with my Brevetto regulars. Boy am I gonna miss it here. Packing? Never heard of it....

E.T.D.: 12.3 hours.