Har har.
Irony. Our professor moves on to tell us about the numerous parties in the Czech parliament... "Socialist party, communist party, green party, Christian party, party of retards..."
...at which I find myself the only one laughing out loud and a slight silent pause afterwards. Great, I am now "that girl".
But in other news... I haven't really felt the blogging urge lately which is too bad because I've done a bunch of cool stuff that would be interesting (or not) to read about. Poland was cold, Brussels was expensive, Amsterdam was smoky, Maria is now broke. Well... not really but I might be eating with the peasants in Istanbul and fishing out of the canals in Venice and perhaps visiting the homeless shelter in Barcelona. Builds character.
Another one of my revelations was that this world is extremely tiny. I've had several "Wait, are you serious? The world is so small...." moments since being abroad. Strange things. I also need a hair cut but at the same time am torn between long or short hair. What a dilemma. Got to wear my Dirndl again last night for a Kolej costume party, that was nice. I have to wear it 68 more times to get my money's worth. Yikes. Maybe I'll consider moving to Bavaria.
Here's something to think about- having to study during study abroad? Who ever thought of something so crazy! Sheesh. How am I supposed to immerse myself in Czech culture when I've got three history tests to worry about. Or something.
I need to start eating healthy...
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